“Brandon Marshall Has To Be The Biggest Coward On The Planet”

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The Pivot calls out Brandon Marshall on the lies he told during Cam Newton’s Funky Friday interview.

NFL quarterback Cam Newton released a new Funky Friday episode on his podcast with special guest appearance I AM ATLETE Brandon Marshall. Throughout the duration of the interview, the two NFL players touched on numerous topics. Brandon Marshall also opened up about the downfall of the I AM ATHLETE platform.

An hour into the conversation, Marshall begins to explain to Cam Newton of how I AM ATHLETE came about and his plans on creating a show to sell it. Brandon Marshall then admits to Cam that he blindsided the I AM ATHLETE cast by neglecting to tell them that he was going to meetings regarding the show without the knowledge of his co-hosts Fred Taylor, Channing Crowder, and Reggie Wayne.

Cam Newton: “But, you’re saying they are not apart of the process. Was that because of them not wanting to be apart of the process or are you sheltering them outside of this process?”

Brandon Marshall: “Well, I didn’t even think about it that way. This was like an idea that I had. I always felt uncomfortable asking dudes for their time. So for me, it was a blessing just to get them dudes to show up for free for six hours out of the month. So, their only commit was the six hours and I would just report back. They had other things going on.”

Cam Newton via Funky Friday Special

Cam Newton then questioned Brandon’s bad business tactics confronting him with rumors of being a narcissist, crazy, and hard to work with because of his Borderline Personality Disorder affecting the way he does business. Brandon proceeded to go on a lengthy tangent about failed deals and show ideas that never saw the light of day.

Following the release of Cam and Brandon’s Funky Friday episode, The Pivot, a podcast hosted by Brandon Marshall’s original I AM ATHLETE co-hosts, retaliated against Marshall’s claims referring to him as a liar, a manipulator, an embarrassment, and a clout chaser.

“I think Brandon Marshall might be the biggest coward on the planet. Simply because he’s on his clout chasing tour. It’s a bad look. Obviously, I’ve read some of the comments and a lot of people can agree that he’s embarrassing himself. But, just a lot of lying, a lot of manipulative movements. Pretty much how he was with everyone that he’s encountered. I think the real question is, where are those people that started with him? Everybody disappeared and if you were right and if you stood for anything and your integrity was high, then the people would still rock with you.”

Fred Taylor via The Pivot

Channing Crowder chimed in explaining his frustrations with Brandon Marshall feeling as though he “made” him.

“How you made me when I made your podcast or our podcast? B*tch you ain’t make me. I created myself. Anytime you want to talk about numbers, anytime you want to talk about contracts, show receipts.”

It’s unfortunate to witness such a beautiful contribution to the community go to waste, but at least we can say The Pivot is a great result from a spoiled business deal.

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