T.I. & King Gets Into A Fight For “Rough Childhood”

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T.I. and his son, King Harris, gets into a heated argument that turns physical.

The Harris family attended the Atlanta Falcons vs New Orleans Saints game at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta on Sunday (November 26). The family outing included a luxury suite to watch the NFL game.

As the evening proceeded, King and T.I. began to get into a heated exchange after King claimed to have a tough upbringing and insisted that his parents, T.I. and Tiny, are lying about his childhood to make themselves look good.

T.I. continued to correct King by making it clear that he never went without.

“King, have you ever woke up with a roach on your face? Alright then! You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

T.I. via King Instagram Live

“To make him look better, he say sh*t that he know not true. Silver spoon? I ain’t never ate with that a day in my life.”

King via Instagram Live

King continued to bring up his living circumstances saying that he lived at his grandma’s house and that he preferred being “outside in the neighborhood” than in a gated community.

T.I. shut down King’s claims saying that King “cried like a baby” to go to his grandmother’s house, adding that he would “hold his breath and throw tantrums.”

Tiny interjected adding that King wanted to be with his grandmother because she would let him “suck a pacifier until he was 12 years old.”

As the argument progressed, things got physical as T.I. appeared to put King in a headlock while telling him he’s “embarrassing himself.”

“You are embarrassing yourself and your family! Boy, you can’t do nothing with me! Ain’t sh*t you can do with me!”

T.I. via King Instagram Live

See for yourself! Watch the father-son squabble below.

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