Teyana Taylor Addresses Media About Divorce From Iman Shumpert

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Reports of, now separated, couple content creative Teyana Taylor and NBA basketball player Iman Shumpert is in the process of a divorce that has now been exposed to the public.

Allegedly, Teyana Taylor tried to move forward with the divorce discreetly by using her and Shumpert’s initials in the court documents, the latter filed a motion on Wednesday afternoon (November 22) to use both their full, legal names in the divorce petition, which granted the divorce its now-public status.

Although Taylor attempted to keep the divorce private for 11 months, says her attorney, Shumpert’s attorney released a statement following his filed motion addressing his stance in the divorce process.

“Mr. Shumpert hopes both parties and counsel can work toward a fair resolution, keeping the best interests of the children of paramount concern.”

Iman Shumpert’s Attorney Statement

Following the media’s coverage on the couple’s impending divorce, Taylor felt to address the media, and others, insisting that they give the dividing family privacy during the time of the progressing divorce.

“I mind my business, don’t bother nobody & y’all know I’ve never played about my children, family, & our privacy. I have not spoken on this private matter to any media outlets or blogs etc. So everyone claiming ‘Teyana said’ didn’t get any statements directly from ME.

It is very heartbreaking that someone would take out the time to make such a private matter public for the world to see. However, protecting my family is one thing I’ve ALWAYS done & for my children, I will continue to do. Please, if y’all love y’all play nieces, Junie & Rue, like y’all have shown, please allow myself & my family some privacy to resolve this matter in peace. Love y’all.”

Teyana Taylor via Instagram Story

According to the petition, Shumpert is being accused of extreme emotional and mental abuse towards Taylor. The actress also insists that the marriage is “irretrievably broken.”

Taylor is seeking primary physical custody, joint legal custody, and child support for their two daughters, Junie and Rue.

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